Fashion and lifestyle can be regarded as idle occupations. However, these are some of the very few tools that affect the people we become with time. Personal styling is embedded in an individual’s character, principles and history, but it is a process that keeps changing. In this paper, we are going to analyze all three of these concepts, their intersections and the influence which they have on formation of self-identity and self-perception.

Fashion as a Science

People associate fashion with narcissism and empty pleasures too often, however, fashion is the strong means of delivering one’s inner world to other people. What people wear, in what circumstances, and who they are, what cultures they belong to, what should other people understand when they see these people, all these things are expressed with the clothing. Studies have revealed that the brain, affected by the fashion, possesses nonverbal communication ability and it influences people’s self as well as others’ impression.

The choice of attire involves the reflection of an individual’s self-concept and understanding of how it connects to the rest of the society. The brain analyzes the self within and draws up interpersonal relationships making some people dress for comfort while others wear dress clothes etc. As a result, some people have left brands with Zara to embrace H&M contradicting their very beliefs. Some people, for instance, who appreciate the importance of environmental protection, may tend to use only environmentally friendly fashion industries. On the contrary, those with luxury concerns may go for high-end designer fashion brands.

The Effects of the Way of Living on Personal Style

Personal style is to a great extend determined by one’s lifestyle. Individual attire and presentation is thus also dependent on the daily activities, interests, and priorities of the people. For instance, a bachelor working on the clinic may have the luxury to be casual in his attire whilst the top executive working in a corporate structure may have to dress up in formal wearable. Another aspect of lifestyle that is fashionable is that which is defined by people’s social networks and statues amongst different communities. The culture of the person also impacts the costumes that they buy or wear since every culture has its own or is associated with certain kinds of outfits. Social aspects also have a pronounced influence on dress code: whether it is family and friends or mass media including social platforms.

The Union of Fashion and Lifestyle:

  1. Self-expression: Fashion is a tool of self-revelation where we tell of our personality, beliefs, and even our character.
  2. Confidence: Dressing for ourselves in a manner that feels good about ourselves elevates our self-confidence.
  3. Identity: Fashion is a way of showcasing one’s identity whether ethnic, societal, or individual.
  4. Solidarity: Except for the various possibilities of demonstrating individuality through fashion, it can also be a unifying force for people.
  5. Professionalism: To encourage such professionals and their talents and foster professionalism; more effort is thought to enable this in learning of the fashion and style.

Changing Dynamics of the Personal Fashion Statement

Since personal style is an evolving term, it has also witnessed lots of change with time. The fashion that a man chooses says a lot about life stages undertaken, beliefs, and some personal traits which are quite mutable. For instance a person who used to be overly interested in all the latest catwalk trends will, upon aging, gradually turn to the evergreen wardrobe staples instead.

Looking good is a developmental process, which incorporates their life moments or life changing events. For example, a person who becomes a parent may begin to dress for comfort more than style while a person who gets a job may focus more on appropriate looking than anything.

The Meeting Point of Fashion and Self

Fashion and identity are in an intimate relationship. Fashion does not only communicate to others, but it also conveys an individual’s values, character and history. This is why putting on something that fits the occasion and is quite comfortable eases self-judge in particular.

Fashion and identity are also constrained by certain norms within society or other cultures. Fashion is a very transformative aspect that can help one to feel empowered, but it can also play a role in upholding the hierarchies existing in society and the culture. For instance, particular clothing styles may define class or ethnicity.

Sustainable Fashion and Lifestyle Design Fashion Trends in the Future

Indeed the fashion industry is changing for the better enhanced by technology as well as the environmental changes and behavioral shifts of the market. The rise of fast fashion has encouraged people to be disposable and many have resorted to cheap and trendy disposables as opposed to quality and or sustainable clothing.

However, there is a great tendency to change that to sustainable and conscious fashion. More and more people are demanding organic materials, rather than those derived from the polyester and other fabric good for industry, fair labor and a stylish clothes design. Such fads in fashion will determine where the breath of fashion will go, sustainable fashion, quality and distinctiveness.


Society, culture, fashion and the diverse personal lifestyles are integral sub-domains of us and they shape our being, our gestures and how we relate with others. It is fairly accepted that an individual develops a personal style that resembles his or her character traits, beliefs and life experience and it changes with time. Also, it has been seen how understanding the sociology of fashion and lifestyle integration would lead to better appreciation of how they relate to one’s personality.

All in all, fashion and lifestyle enable self-expression as well as serve as entities for empowerment. Understanding as well as adopting our self and style would offer a deep consideration of who extends beyond the linkage of people to themselves. Be it with the help of fashion, lifestyle or both, it is within ourselves to create the kind of person we would like to be and project it out into the world.